
Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Chaotic persona

Today I went to show my art works for revision. As my folder is quite heavy, I needed to wear something really comfortable. The revision went good and I'm ready to create more. Also today I started film editing lessons which looks hard, but I think it will be quite fun.

 pants: i dodo / choker: diy / boots: dr Martens

This kind of updo I am wearing is nice I think, feels very light and makes my hair look like I have a lot of it!

Thursday, 10 March 2016


How is your week going so far? Mine is good. I'm feeling a strange energy today. Maybe listening to the music while sitting half asleep alone in the corner of university hall gives you this boost? Or might be the fact the weather is nicer and nicer and my favourite season is almost here. Can't wait to shoot my outfits outside...

Today's look is witchy combination of thick dress, high boots and unusually high amount of accessories for me. This is the kind of look I really like recently for everyday wear.

Dress: Lindex / boots: Bronx / cross necklace: from Greece / left ring (black): Diva / right ring (red): engagement ring (from private jeweler)

 ~Anomaliana (yes, I might go back to this nickname)