
Monday, 26 October 2015

Poisoned Poetry

I have very little time lately because of school beggining. I'm attending a university on art faculty. I have a lot of work and I come home lately but I enjoy my lectures so far. I'm especially thrilled for linocut. We just started it and it's so much fun!

This week is going to be exciting, I go to hairdresser with my boyfriend and can't wait to see his new hairstyle. Also, Halloween! I have an idea for a costume and it's going to be the best I've had so far.

 Today I'm a witchy doll.

Necklace: gift from a friend
dress: Lindex
Shoes: Vagabond

Also I went to Kamelot concert a few weeks ago and it was so amazing I already miss it. I don't listen to much metal music nowadays, but this band is one of my favourites ever. I just love the dark atmosphere of their music videos, lyrics and emotional vocals. Also, I may have a little crush on their new vocalist. He is not only good-looking singer of two great bands, but he is also full-time firefighter.

This song is quite fast but the music video is probably my favourite.

~Mia Amethyst


  1. Your outfit is super cute and artsy! ^_^ I too have been buried under a lot of studies at the university, so haven't had enough time for blogs. :( Or Halloween for that matter, it's like I just woke up and noticed today is the first Halloween party of the week. :D

    1. Thank you! That suck that you don't have too much time :(

  2. Hope school is going well. I still like going to metal shows, lol. Awesome song.

    1. School is great, so much work but nice atmosphere so I feel happy there!
